Lord of the Harvest Christian Fellowship

Senior Pastor Michael Osminski

“Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.’”  Matthew 9:37-38

“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”  Psalm 27:13-14


Our Sunday worship service begins at 10:15 am every Sunday.

Masks are required inside the building.

We will continue to live-stream the service on our Facebook page and at on Sundays.

10:15: Opening Scripture & Prayer
10:20: Praise & Worship
10:55: Communion (Sunday School students will be dismissed after Communion)
11:00: Service continues

Sunday school students will meet in the kitchen for a snack after communion, then children in preschool through grade 4 will have class in the classroom closest to the steps while students in grades 5-10 will remain in the kitchen. Online Sunday school will only be offered to the preschool-4th grade class at this time. Please see Pastor Andrea if you have any questions.

PLEASE NOTE: Masks are required inside the building.

If you are not able to attend the Sunday service but your preschool-4th grade student would like to attend Sunday school via Zoom, please sign up below to receive the Zoom credentials. You only have to sign up once.

Please list the full names and ages of your children who will be attending online Sunday school.
We only need your phone number if you would like a text invitation to the class.

We have reopened the nursery room for children age 1 (and walking) through preschool. For complete details, please see Pastor Andrea if you have toddlers and preschool children and would like to use the nursery during service.


Online giving is available using Zelle or PayPal. To donate online, go to, choose your donation format, and follow the instructions. Please include your mailing address so we may send you a tithe statement at the beginning of next year for tax purposes. You may use the optional note or memo section to allocate your donation to a program other than your tithe. Donation options include:

Tithes and Offerings | Food Pantry | Kenya Mission Rescue | Uganda Divine School | Building Fund | Family Connections Team

You may also mail in your offering to the PO Box:

Lord of the Harvest Christian Fellowship | PO Box 26505 Fraser, MI 48026

Please consider sponsoring a student of the Divine Nursery and Primary Day and Boarding School in Fort Portal, Uganda, Africa, whose overseer is Bishop Jimmy Katuramu. The 2020 school year starts January 26th and has 3 terms. The cost for non-boarders is $50/term, for a total of $150/year. The cost for a student who boards at the school is approximately $115/term, for a total of about $350/year. If you want more information about sponsoring a student, talk with Mary-Jo Asher.

The Mana Foundation ministers to women by offering courses in food cultivation, hygiene training, workshops on Christian mindset and training women and girls in the acquisition of practical skills. They also provide access to essential food and daily necessities. For detailed information or to donate, go to

United Pentecostal Churches International of Uganda under the leadership of Bishop Jimmy Katuramu are in desperate need of food. LHCF is taking up a special collection of any amount of money that you can give to be used specifically to provide food for our brothers and sisters in Uganda. You can donate via PayPal or by check made out to LHCF and mailed to  P.O. Box 26505, Fraser, MI, 48026. Please make a notation in PayPal or on the check that the donation is meant for Uganda food missions.

Meijer’s holiday Simply Give campaign will run from December 29, 2024, through March 29, 2025. For every $10 Simply Give card purchased, Meijer will match contribution of $10. Customers are invited to fight hunger by purchasing the $10.00 Simply Give cards to be added to their grocery total. On double Match Days, March 1 and 22, Meijer will provide an additional $20 for every $10 Simply Give card contributed, bringing the total to $30 for a single customer purchase. In order for Lord of the Harvest food pantry to receive credit donations will need to be made at our designated Meijer location: #306-Warren, 25225 Schoenherr Road (on the corner of Schoenherr and 10 Mile Road). Simply Give cards are available in the church foyer and at Meijer check-out.

  • GoodSearch Browser // go to, sign up, designate Lord of the Harvest Christian Fellowship as charity
  • Bottles/Cans // designate return money for mission fund on envelope or give to Kathryn Elliott for Family Connections Team


Men’s Meeting
Saturday, February 15, 10:00 am

Pastor Tim Atchley, Guest Speaker
Friday, March 28, time TBD
Saturday, March 29, time TBD
Sunday, March 20, at our regular service, 10:15 am

The next Men’s Meeting will be held on Saturday, February 15, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, at Lord of the Harvest. The day will include ministry of the word, lunch, and a time of prayer together. There will be a $10.00 cost for the food for lunch scholarships available for those who need help.

Wednesdays, 12:00-2:00 pm
Why Jesus? Women’s Bible Study meets at the building and on Zoom. Email to request an invite.

Wednesdays, 6:15-8:30 pm
Kingdom Education Bible Study is offered on Zoom. Email to request an invite.

Thursdays, 11:00 am
Bible Study is offered on Zoom. Email to request an invite.

Thursdays, 7:00 pm
Corporate Prayer meets on Zoom. Email to request an invite.

1st & 3rd Saturdays, 10:00 am
Women’s Fellowship at the home of Allyson and Kathryn Elliott

Saturdays, 5:00 pm
Most Excellent Way Recovery Meeting meets every Saturday at the building

The next Why Jesus? Women’s Bible Study will be Wednesday, February 12.  All women are invited to join us. This meeting is a great way to connect with other women to go deep into the word of God, support one another, and enjoy a time of fellowship. The Why Jesus class recordings are available at If you would like to be a part of this meeting please email the church at to request an invitation or fill out this form:

Kingdom Education Bible Study meets on Wednesdays from 6:15-8:30 pm using the Zoom format. The next meeting will be February 12.  This class on Biblical principles is taught by Pastor Oz. The recording of this class is available at you are interested, please email us at for the Zoom invite or fill out the form below. “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6

 The Thursday morning Bible study led by Pastor John will be held on Thursday, February 13, at 11:00 am on Zoom. To join contact the church at and request a Zoom invite. Recordings of the class are available at

We are holding our weekly Thursday night corporate prayer meeting from 7:00-8:00 pm on the Zoom format. The next meeting is February 13. If you are interested, please contact LHCF at or fill out this form:

We only need your phone number if you would like a text invitation to the meeting.

The Most Excellent Way Recovery Meetings meets every Saturday at the building. For more information please contact Jerome Trombly.

Join us for our women’s fellowship on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month! The next meeting will be on February 1, 2025, beginning at 10:00 am. We pray together, then we spend 30 minutes reading through scripture as a group and 30 minutes discussing what was read. This meeting will take place in person at the home of Allyson and Kathryn Elliott and on Zoom. Reading and discussion will begin at 10 am. Reach out to Allyson or Kathryn for more information!

It is with heavy and joyful hearts we report that Pastor Cynthia Cox has been promoted into eternity. Pastor Cynthia and her husband Pastor Taylor Cox have pastored Living the Word Christian Ministries in Hazel Park and have a special relationship with Lord of the Harvest.

The arrangements are as follows:

Friday, February 7, 2025
Family and Friends Gathering: 4:00-7:00 pm

Kemp Funeral Home & Cremation Services
24585 Evergreen Road | Southfield, MI 48075

Saturday, February 8, 2025
Family Hour: 10:30-11:00 am
Homegoing Service: 11:00 am

Living the Word Christian Ministries
22910 Highland Avenue | Hazel Park, MI 48030


8:00 am to 8:00 pm 586.879.7295 | 586.871.2925

Text Any Time to 586.873.3600

1. Sense God’s presence (Heb. 13:5)
2. Know we are praying for them (2 Tim. 1:3)
3. Experience God’s comfort (2 Thess. 2:16-17)
4. See God open doors to evangelism (Col. 4:3)
5. Boldly share the gospel (Acts 4:29)
6. Mature in their faith (Col. 1:28-29)
7. Be granted wisdom in covert ministry work (Acts 9:23-25)
8. Remain joyful amid suffering (Acts 5:41)
9. Forgive and love their persecutors (Matt. 5:44)
10. Be rooted in God’s Word (2 Tim. 3:16-17)
The Voice or the Martyrs |


The LHCF food pantry will be open on Tuesdays, December 24 and 31 and closed on Wednesdays, December 25 and January 1.

The pantry will resume the regular schedule on Tuesday, January 7:  Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9:00 am to 11:00 am, drive-through only. Clients are asked to pull into the parking lot, make a horseshoe, turn in the large lot, and pull up to the back door. Groceries will be brought out. Please stay in your car. For more info please call (586) 362-2061 or email the church at

If you need additional help, you may try the following (call pantries first to make sure listings are current):

The next Breakthrough Prayer Ministry class sessions will run Thursday evenings from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm beginning January 16th and concluding February 27th. The class will be held at Paradox Church, 28241 Mound Road in Warren. Call 586.739.5114 or email to register. There is no fee for the class. Classes will focus on inner healing prayer that helps to heal wounds from abuse, trauma, and emotional pain that have formed strongholds in our lives. Strongholds are patterns of thinking that influence the way we think, feel, act, and react to life. Negative strongholds are at the roots of depression, anxiety, sinful habits and addictions. Inner healing prayer, also known as prayer ministry, helps broken people overcome strongholds to live the lives Jesus designed them to live. You can download a class outline and an application at For additional information Call 586.739.5114 or email

If you are in a domestic violence situation and in crisis needing immediate help or know someone who is in crisis, please call the Turning Point Crisis Line at 586.463.6990. For more info go to

True North to Freedom is a nonprofit whose goal is walking alongside trafficking survivors, assisting them as they move toward recovery and providing spiritual, emotional, and some financial support, believing that every survivor is beautiful, valuable, and worthy, created in the image of God and deeply loved by Him. For more information or to volunteer go to their website


You are invited to come to the church to help clean and maintain the building. We will be meeting once a month on a Saturday. The next church beautification day is Saturday, February 22, from 9:00-11:00 am. Wear some old clothes and come ready to shine up our church! If you can do any type of cleaning, then you are welcome! See Pastor Andrea if you have any questions.



Alliance of Warren Evangelicals Denounce Racism and Injustice

June 3, 2020

Warren, MI—As members of the church in the city of Warren, MI, we deplore the actions that have occurred in our nation with the senseless death and precious loss of life of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police officer. We recognize that the abuse of police authority in this situation represents not an isolated incident, but a pattern of injustice in which Blacks and other people of color have been unjustly treated by the very arm of society that is meant to protect, serve, and nurture peace for all members of our society. We stand with all the people of this nation and ask for transformation of societal practices to reverse the course of history in this nation. We ask our leaders in government, in the judicial system, in the legal system to begin to address these matters, which are not new issues, but have represented the practices at work in this nation for over 400 years.

Psalm 89:14 reads, “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before you.” We cry out to God for His grace and blessing to pour these out upon our city and nation in this most fateful hour. We ask for a vision to remove ourselves from national immoralities, and not to sanction national complacency. We ask for healing for the trauma perpetrated upon the Black members of our society and ask that you would transform the ways in which we, as citizens, have sanctioned or tolerated abuses against humanity.

We stand with the right of those so harmed by racism in all its forms to gather to peacefully protest and to lift their voices in calling this nation to return to justice. While we do not approve of violent and destructive behavior from some of the protesters, we do not wish in doing so to summarily fail to recognize our own complicity in the injustice perpetrated through years and centuries upon Blacks and other peoples of color. We must recognize, confess, and turn from all injustice and begin to create a national and social climate that provides equal access for all peoples to peace and the blessings of God for which we all strive.

Finally, we join together in the church of Jesus Christ with all our brothers and sisters in this nation, and we pray that the Lord would look down upon us in this time of trouble and pour out His compassion and mercy on us so that the changes necessary, changes unprecedented in our American history, will be granted to us.

Alliance of Warren Evangelicals


Senior Pastors Michael & Janice Osminski

Associate Pastors Philip & Janine McLatcher

Associate Pastors John & Cyndi Helvey

Associate Pastors Rob & Andrea Elliott

Associate Pastor Adrian Byrd

Elders Jerome & Louise Trombly

Joe & Terisa Vandervest